

+ Interior Painting

Our pros know that a fresh coat of paint can go a long way whether you're doing a huge renovation or just simply updating your current paint colors. That's why our team utilizes only the best paint and materials for lasting satisfaction. Our experts are not only mindful of your belongings, they're also careful and cautious. Our interior paint services cover all aspects of the home, including living rooms, bedrooms, kitchens, home offices and much more.


+ Decorative Finishing

Our decorative finishing services are sure to impress. Sheer artistry...our pros create that beautiful marbleized look that is not only timeless, but beautiful. With no two designs exactly alike, we ensure that our professionals will make your design vision a reality. Decorative finishing services include faux finishing and wood surface refinishing on front doors, garage doors and wooden furniture

+ Roof Washing

Keeping your roof clean is imperative in maintaining its functionality. Roofs containing debris can become compromised, especially in inclement weather. Be sure you're hiring a company that goes the extra mile to ensure your roof continues to keep you safe.

+ Cabinet Refinishing

When you are ready for a kitchen refresh and want to update your cabinets let us refinish them properly. Hansen will follow the proper steps to strip, sand and scrape before painting the cabinets with a new color for an updated but cost effective refresh.

+ Exterior Painting

Upgrade your home's curb appeal with a new coat of paint! We know that image is everything here in Southwest Florida, and it's important that your home's exterior paint can withstand the elements. Our expert team paints over a variety of different siding materials, including stucco, brick, vinyl and more. As always, our team will confirm all details before your project begins to ensure that you're more than pleased with the outcome.

+ Pressure Washing

Turn your dirty exterior and windows into clear, shining beauty! Our pressure washing services will have your home sparkling in no time. We pressure wash most all areas of the home, including home exteriors, pool decks, driveways and windows.


+ Paver Sealing

Extend the life of your pavers by ensuring that they are sealed properly. Improper sealing causes cracks and faults, which grow worse over time. Our professional paver sealing services ensure that your pavers will last.

Which of These Jobs May we Perform for You?


·        Full-service interior repaint/new construction

·        Full-service exterior repaint/new construction

·        Tile roof painting/repainting

·        Screen cage refinishing

·        Faux wood finishes on doors/garage doors

·        Woodwork staining, stain matching, and clearcoats

·        Cabinet and furniture repainting (kitchen, bathroom, bar, entertainment center, etc.)

Pressure Washing:

·        Driveways and sidewalks

·        Patio decks, pool decks, lanais

·        Tile roof washes

·        Exterior home washing

·        Screen cages

Floor Painting and Paver Sealing:

·        Driveway and deck paver sealing

·        Wood deck stains, clears, or color tinted finishes

·        Garage floor painting (paint flake options)

·        Concrete deck repaints

Small Damage Repairs:

·        Interior drywall patches and texture matching

·        Exterior wood rot repair

·        Bondo repairs

·        Woodwork repairs

·        Water and mold damage mitigation and paint

New Equipment Installation:

·        Door hardware

·        Exterior lights

·        Light bulbs

·        Minor Carpentry


·        Color consults and color direction (free of charge)

·        No commission referrals to a freely available list of trusted vendors

The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.
— Martin Luther King, Jr.